The First Years 630 Car Seat User Manual

Section 7 - Installation and Use
7.6 Child / Infant Placement in Restraint
Place occupant in the restraint with the occupant’s
back flat against the back of the restraint and the
occupant bottom touching the seat.
Place harness straps over the occupant’’s
shoulders. Note:Check the height of the harness
straps at the occupant’s shoulders.
Place 5 pt. crotch buckle strap at crotch but not
Insert the silver buckle tongues into the buckle.
Note:Pull up and test buckle tongues to be sure
they are secure.
Place chest clip at arm pit level. Insert chest clip
tabs and press together. Pull outward on chest
clip’s ends to be sure it is secure.
Pull on harness adjuster to tighten harness straps.
A snug strap should not allow any slack. It lies in a
relatively straight line without sagging. It does not
press on to the child’s flesh or push the child’s
body into an unnatural position.