Capacities and Specifications
The following approximate capacities are given in English and metric conversions.
English Metric
Air Conditioning Refrigerant 1.47 lbs 0.67 kg
Automatic Transaxle
1.8L (Code 8) 3.2 qt 3.0 L
1.8L (Code 8) with AWD 3.1 qt 2.9 L
Cooling System
1.8L (Code 8) 6.9 qt 6.5 L
1.8L (Code L) 7.1 qt 6.7 L
Engine Oil with Filter
1.8L (Code 8) 4.4 qt 4.2 L
1.8L (Code L) 4.7 qt 4.4 L
Fuel Tank
With AWD 11.9 gal 45.0 L
Without AWD 13.2 gal 50.0 L