160 Digital I/O, Setup, and Utilities
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
The SETUP display function consists of two screens: the “Solo” screen and
the “Preferences” screen.
Display Screen
Shown below is the first SETUP display function – the Solo screen:
Solo Functions
• Status – This command determines which bus will be used when you
press the [SOLO] button. If you select “Recording”, the Solo bus will be
used. If you select “Mixdown”, the signals selected by the combination
of the [SOLO] button and the [ON] buttons will be sent to the Stereo
bus, and all other channels will be off.
• Listen – This command is only functional in “Recording Mode”. It
selects the point the Solo monitoring signal will be taken from. You can
select “Pre Fader” or “After Pan” as the monitoring points.
In “Mixdown Mode” the signal is always taken from after the pan and
this function is greyed-out.
• Mode – This command controls which channels are added to the Solo.
If you select “Mix Solo”, all channels that are selected ON will be
added to output. If you select “Last Solo”, the channel that was last
selected ON will be output.
If you only want to listen to one channel at a time in solo mode, select
“Last Solo”.
• Solo Level – This rotary icon controls the output level sent to the Solo
bus in “Recording Mode”.
In “Mixdown Mode” the signal is sent to the stereo bus and this icon is
1. Press the [SETUP] button.
A SETUP display function
Press the [SETUP ] button
until the “Solo” screen
2. Use the CURSOR buttons
to select the desired
“Mode” and press the
[ENTER] button.
3. Use the CURSOR buttons
to select a “Status” and
press the [ENTER] button.
Recording mode:
4. Select a “Listen” point
with the CURSOR buttons
and press the [ENTER]
5. Select the “Solo Level”
control icon and adjust
the level with the
encoder wheel.
Mixdown mode:
6. Use the CURSOR buttons
to select the “Solo Safe”
channels and press the
[ENTER] button to
enable/disable the
selected channel.