36 MIXING Display Functions
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
Pan and Balance
The PAN display function is used to pan and balance signals. The input
channels, including the stereo input channels, and the tape and effect
returns can be panned, and the stereo output can be balanced.
Display Screens
Shown below is the first screen of the PAN display function – MIC/LINE 1
through 16 and LINE 17/18 through 23/24:
Select this screen by pressing a [SEL] button for one of the MIC/LINE
Shown below is the second screen – TAPE 1 through 16, EFF1 and EFF2,
and STEREO output (balance):
Select this screen by pressing a [SEL] button for the tape or effect return
channels or the master stereo output.
The number of the selected channel is highlighted. Channel pan positions
are indicated by marker lines, just like the ones on real knobs. The current
pan value is displayed under the panpot icon.
1. Press the [PAN] button.
The PAN display function
2. Select a channel using
the [SEL] buttons or the
CURSOR buttons.
3. To change the pan
position, rotate the
encoder wheel until the
desired value is shown.