Mixing and Monitoring 27
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
The Pad function attenuates input signals by 20 dB. This is useful when
inputting high level signals that would otherwise overload the input
preamplifier. By increasing the effective range of the GAIN control,
high-level signals can be adjusted accurately. Pad can be set individually
for the mono input channels 1 through 16. The [20dB] (pad) switch at the
top of each channel is used to turn it ON and OFF: up for OFF, down for
GAIN Controls
The GAIN controls are used to optimize the input channel signal levels.
Use them with the PEAK indicators. This red LED illuminates when the
input signal exceeds 3 dB below clipping. Ideally the level should be set
relatively high. It is acceptable if this LED illuminates occasionally. If it is
continuously illuminated, however, back off the GAIN control a little,
otherwise the input preamplifier is being overloaded and clipping
distortion will result.
The GAIN control should be set with some care. If it is set too low, the
signal-to-noise performance will suffer, and if it is set too high, unpleasant
signal clipping and distortion may occur.
The SIGNAL indicator is a green LED which illuminates when the input
signal exceeds 10 dB below nominal.
The analog input controls are not controlled or stored by the 02R
automation and scene memory functions. To assist in easy recall of the gain
setting, the GAIN controls are detented. You should note the analog
settings on a copy of the User Settings Sheet at the back of the manual.
SEL Buttons
The [SEL] buttons are used to select a channel in order to perform some
action on it. When a channel is selected, the LED set in the corresponding
button lights up and its name appears in the Selected Channel area of the
display screen. Stereo-pair channels are selected together.
The SELECTED CHANNEL controls are set to the current status of the
selected channel. Depending on which display function is active, the
selected channel may be highlighted, or the entire display may be
dedicated to its parameters.
Note: You can use the [SEL] buttons to create stereo-pair channels. Refer to
“Pairing Channels” on page 150 of the User’s Guide.
+4 -40
-16 -60