Review for Your Safety
nIne : Important safety InstruCtIons
Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e
Keep the space behind and on both sides of the treadmill clear
should you lose your balance.
Allow only one person at a time on your machine.
Do not operate treadmill without the safety key attached to the
console and the lanyard clipped to your clothing at approximately
waist height.
Always straddle the treadbelt and allow the belt to begin moving
before stepping onto the belt.
Use extreme caution when stepping onto moving treadbelt. Some
programs begin at speeds as high as 4.8 mph.
Gradually slow down the belt before stopping. This will minimize
the sensation of movement after you stop.
When making treadbelt adjustments, keep fingers, loose clothing,
jewelry, and long hair away from moving parts.
IMportant safetY