Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e
Care and MaintenanCe
Your TRUE Z-Series treadmill is equipped with built in diagnostic capabili-
ties to assist in configuring, maintaining and servicing your treadmill. e
Field Diagnostic mode provides total hours, distance, average speed, ability
to change the units of measure, ability to set the “user not present” func
tion, a list of service and error codes, the ability to set program time, and a
log of the last five errors.
NOTE: Messages appear in the Message Center on the Z8.1, Z9, Z9.1 and
Z9.15. e messages display differently on the Z8 and appear in the Pri-
mary Display Window. ey are shown in parentheses.
1. Hold the (minus/plus) while placing the Safety Key on the Keyboard.
e following messages will repeat themselves:
2. Press (up arrow) to display total hours.
e following messages will display:
HOURS (ttL) No. of hours on the treadmill
3. Press (up arrow) to display total distance.
e following messages will display:
DISTANCE (dIS) No. of miles on the treadmill
4. Press (up arrow) to display average speed.
e following messages will display:
AVG SPEED (ASP) average speed on the treadmill
5. Press (up arrow) to display units. Press (plus) or (minus) to toggle.
e following messages will display:
Care and maIntenanCe