Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e
During Your Workout
fIve : heart rate Control workouts
To raise your heart rate in HRC mode, speed will always increase
until maximum speed is attained, followed by incline (if incline is
used in the workout).
To lower your heart rate in the HRC mode, incline will always
decrease until zero incline is reached, followed by speed (if incline is
used in the workout).
Speed changes are in 0.1 mph increments. Incline changes are in
0.5% incline increments. This is equal to between 0.10 and 0.15
1 - A user who physically cannot walk over 2.5 mph can
safely use heart rate control by entering maximum
speed of 2.5 in an HRC workout.
2 - A runner can run up to a speed of 10 mph, without
hills, by entering a maximum speed of 10 mph and a
maximum incline of 0%.
3 - A walker enters a maximum speed of 4.0 mph and
a maximum incline of 6%. The walker is limited to
a maximum speed of 4.0 mph and incline will be
used if required to elevate the heart rate up to a
maximum of 6%.
heart rate
control Workouts
hoW the
hrc s
Your heart
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