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Z 5 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e
HRC Types and a Workout Quick-Guide
fIve : heart rate Control workouts
Various types of Heart Rate Control (HRC) are available on Z5
Series treadmills (except on the Z5 Non). This section may describe
some types of HRC that your treadmill may not have.
Time-based constant HRC: pick a target heart rate and exercise for
an amount of time you select.
Cruise Control: while in any workout, set your current heart rate as
your target heart rate by pressing a single key.
Interval heart rate training (not on Z5 HRC): the treadmill
alternates work intervals at your selected target heart rate with rest
intervals that are at ½ workload. You set the length of both intervals.
Distance-based HRC (Z5.5 only): set a target heart rate and select
one of four distances, just like running a road course: 2 miles, 4
miles, 5 kilometers, or 10 kilometers.
1 - Put on a Polar or compatible transmitter chest strap
as described on page 25.
2 - Pick one of the HRC workouts. Use the HRC Express
Command key. To select one of the distance-based
workouts or one of the higher-numbered workout
setups, keep pressing that HRC key.
3 - Enter your workout parameters. This includes target
heart rate, maximum treadbelt speed, workout time
or distance, and maximum incline. If you are using
Interval HRC, pick your interval durations, too.
4 - Press
heart rate
control Workouts