the s.o.f.t.
Z 5 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e
BasIc operatIon
S.O.F.T. Select (Z5.5 and Z5.4)
three : BasIC operatIon
One part of True's unique
cushioning and stability
system is the S.O.F.T. System.
It cushions the initial impact
of your foot plant near the
front of the treadmill deck,
then transitions to a firm,
secure surface for push-off.
The combination of softness, then firmness — right when you need
it — reduces stress on ankles, knees, hips, and back.
The other part of True's comfort and performance system is the
S.O.F.T. Select adjustable softness surface on the Z5.4 and Z5.5
Limited. You can adjust the deck support through a 22-inch range
by moving the lever on the right side of the treadmill or, on the Z5.5
Limited model, by pressing the Softer or Firmer keys on the console.
1 setting is softest and the 12 setting is firmest.
S.O.F.T. Select is especially useful to accommodate users of differing
weights or those with special physical needs.
The Z5.5 Limited's Electronic S.O.F.T. Select:
Press and hold the
keys to change the
target setting in the message
center. To review your S.O.F.T.
Select setting, quickly press
either S.O.F.T adjustment key.