speed, simulated ground: applies the measured energy expendi-
ture to an outdoor bike equation, producing a speed feedback more
applicable to an elliptical or exercise bike rider.
T-MET: a replacement for METs that properly takes body weight into
account. A T-MET = watts / kg
, where watts is power applied to
an external machine by the exerciser, and
kg is the exerciser’s body
weight in kilograms. True’s marketing name for the T-MET concept
Personal Power.
: see oxygen uptake.
max: maximal oxygen uptake, the single best way to measure
aerobic capacity (see).
watts: the International System unit of power measurement, defined
as Joules per second. One watt is roughly equal to 4.2 calories per
hour. Watts are commonly used to report workload on exercise
bikes, less so on ellipticals, and virtually never on treadmills.
workload: the amount of power being demanded of an exerciser,
manifesting itself in the exerciser as exercise intensity. Common
workloads are treadmill running belt speed, bike torque and pedal
rpm, or stairclimber vertical climbing speed.
appendIx e - glossarY
Z 5 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e