6 F 8 A 0 9 3 4
●Digital output functions
Selection items Digital output functions
NO USE Not used
H ALM High alarm output
L ALM Low alarm output
HH ALM High-High alarm output
LL ALM Low-Low alarm output
RNG SIG1 Range output No. 1
RNG SIG2 Range output No. 2
PRESET C Preset count output
CONV ALM Converter failure alarm output
PLS OUT Pulse output
PLS FRD Fixed forward flow pulse output
PLS REV Fixed reverse flow pulse output
MRH ALM Multi-range high alarm output (option)
MRL ALM Multi-range low alarm output (option)
Notes: When the range type is set to Forward/reverse multiple ranges, and if the pulse output
(PLS OUT) is selected, pulses of forward and reverse directions will be output.
For setting method of the range type, see 8.2.9, “Span (Range).”
●Digital output active status (Only when alarm output is set )
Selection items Alarm output action
NormCLOSE Normal: Contact closed, Alarm out: Contact open
NormOPEN Normal: Contact open, Alarm out: Contact closed
●Changing the digital output function
The following is an example to change the Digital Output 1 (DO1) function from High alarm
output (H ALM) to Low alarm output (L ALM).
Switch operation
Display example
Select "DO1 FUNC" from the setting item
selection menu.
The current setting (H ALM in this example)
Then push .
* Pushing returns you to the menu