6 F 8 A 0 9 3 4
(3) Flow Direction
the detector in accordance with the flow direction arrow on the detector. See Figure
4.7. If the actual flow runs opposite to the specified flow direction, the following
display and output appears.
For single range measurement,
LCD display: Instantaneous flow rate ------------- indicates negative values,
Totalized flow ------------------------ no counts added.
Outut: Current output ------------------------ 4.0mA output,
Pulse output --------------------------- No pulses
For bidirectional range measurement, the flow in opposite direction results in a positive
output value. See 10.3, “Multi-range Functions.”
Figure 4.7 Flow direction arrow on the detector
(4) Preventing an Empty Pipe Condition
Design an upright pipe run (Figure 4.8) or sufficient head pressure (Fig. 4.9) at the
downstream detector outlet if there is a possibility of the detector pipe becoming emptied.
Figure 4.8 Detector with an upright pipe run at downstream outlet
Figure 4.9 Detector with sufficient head pressure at downstream outlet
Flow direction arrow
Upright pipe run