6 F 8 A 0 9 3 4
Switch operation
Display example
When you push , a message appears
to confirm whether the setting is OK or not.
If OK, push . If you want to redo the
setting, push .
Pushing cancels the setting operation
and exits the setting screen.
Note: The measured value sent from the converter through communications is the value
processed with display low cutoff.
8.2.14 Still Water Zero Adjustment
Zero adjustment is performed with the fluid held still in the detector's measurement pipe.
Switch operation
Display example
Select "ZERO ADJ" from the
configuration item selection menu.
The current flow rate measurement value
Then push and hold longer.
* Pushing returns you to the setting
The title display changes to ADJ READY,
and the converter is ready for zero
* Pushing returns you to the previous
Pushing starts zero adjustment.
Zero adjustment ends in several seconds and
the flow rate measured value appears.
Pushing returns you to the setting
Note 1: To start still water zero adjustment, push and hold longer.
Note 2: Still water zero adjustment is possible only when the flow rate value is within the range of
±1.25 m/s.
Note 3: If you want to cancel the adjustment when ADJ READY is displayed, push . This
returns you to the state showing the flow rate measurement value on the screen.