⎯ 310 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
S31 SetLCBValues O M N
S32 QueryLogByTime c7 M N
S33 QueryLogAfter c7 M N
S34 GetLogStatusValues M M N
Generic substation event model (GSE)
S35 SendGOOSEMessage c8 c8 Y
S36 GetGoReference O c9 N
S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber O c9 N
S38 GetGoCBValues O O Y
S39 SetGoCBValues O O Y
S40 SendGSSEMessage c8 c8 N
S41 GetGsReference O c9 N
S42 GetGSSEElementNumber O c9 N
S43 GetGsCBValues O O N
S44 SetGsCBValues O O N
Transmission of sampled value model (SVC)
Multicast SVC
S45 SendMSVMessage c10 c10 N
S46 GetMSVCBValues O O N
S47 SetMSVCBValues O O N
Unicast SVC
S48 SendUSVMessage c10 c10 N
S49 GetUSVCBValues O O N
S50 SetUSVCBValues O O N
S51 Select M O N
S52 SelectWithValue M O N
S53 Cancel O O N
S54 Operate M M Y
S55 CommandTermination M O Y
S56 TimeActivatedOperate O O N
File Transfer
S57 GetFile O M Y
S58 SetFile O O N
S59 DeleteFile O O N
S60 GetFileAttributeValues O O Y
T1 Time resolution of internal clock 1ms
T2 Time accuracy of internal clock 1ms T1
T3 Supported TimeStamp resolution 1ms
M – Mandatory
O – Optional
c1 – shall be ‘M’ if support for LOGICAL-DEVICE model has been declared.
c2 – shall be ‘M’ if support for LOGICAL-NODE model has been declared.
c3 – shall be ‘M’ if support for DATA model has been declared.
c4 – shall be ‘M’ if support for DATA-SET, Substitution, Report, Log Control, or Time model has been declared.
c5 – shall be ‘M’ if support for Report, GSE, or SV models has been declared.
c6 – shall declare support for at least one (BRCB or URCB)
c7 – shall declare support for at least one (QueryLogByTime or QueryLogAfter).
c8 – shall declare support for at least one (SendGOOSEMessage or SendGSSEMessage)
c9 – shall declare support if TWO-PARTY association is available.