278 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
List of Information
IEC103 Confi
urator Default settin
INF Description Contents
Signal No.
Standard Information numbers in monitor direction
System Function
0 End of General Interrogation Transmission completion of GI items. -- 8 10 255 -- -- --
0 Time Synchronization Time Synchronization ACK. -- 6 8 255 -- -- --
2 Reset FCB Reset FCB(toggle bit) ACK -- 5 3 176 -- -- --
3 Reset CU Reset CU ACK -- 5 4 176 -- -- --
4 Start/Restart Relay start/restart -- 5 5 176 -- -- --
5 Power On Relay power on. Not supported -- -- --
Status Indications
16 Auto-recloser active
If it is possible to use auto-recloser, this item is set
active, if impossible, inactive.
Not supported
17 Teleprotection active
If protection using telecommunication is available,
this item is set to active. If not, set to inactive.
Not supported
18 Protection active
If the protection is available, this item is set to
active. If not, set to inactive.
GI 1
1, 7, 9, 12,
20, 21
176 1413 1 2
19 LED reset Reset of latched LEDs -- 1
1, 7, 11, 12,
20, 21
176 1409 -- 2
20 Monitor direction blocked
Block the 103 transmission from a relay to control
system. IECBLK: "Blocked" settimg.
GI 1 9, 11 176 1241 1 2
21 Test mode
Transmission of testmode situation froma relay to
control system. IECTST "ON" setting.
GI 1 9, 11 176 1242 1 2
22 Local parameter Setting
When a setting change has done at the local, the
event is sent to control system.
Not supported
23 Characteristic1 Setting group 1 active GI 1
1, 7, 9, 11,
12, 20, 21
176 1243 1 2
24 Characteristic2 Setting group 2 active GI 1
1, 7, 9, 11,
12, 20, 21
176 1244 1 2
25 Characteristic3 Setting group 3 active GI 1
1, 7, 9, 11,
12, 20, 21
176 1245 1 2
26 Characteristic4 Setting group 4 active GI 1
1, 7, 9, 11,
12, 20, 21
176 1246 1 2
27 Auxiliary input1 No
28 Auxiliary input2 No
29 Auxiliary input3 No
30 Auxiliary input4 No
Supervision Indications
32 Measurand supervision I Zero sequence current supervision GI 1 1, 7, 9 176 1271 1 2
33 Measurand supervision V Zero sequence voltage supervision Not supported
35 Phase sequence supervision Negative sequence voltage supevision Not supported
36 Trip circuit supervision Output circuit supervision Not supported
37 I>>backup operation Not supported
38 VT fuse failure VT failure Not supported
39 Teleprotection disturbed CF(Communication system Fail) supervision Not supported
46 Group warning Only alarming GI 1 1, 7, 9 176 1258 1 2
47 Group alarm Trip blocking and alarming GI 1 1, 7, 9 176 1252 1 2
Earth Fault Indications
48 Earth Fault L1 A phase earth fault No
49 Earth Fault L2 B phase earth fault No
50 Earth Fault L3 C phase earth fault No
51 Earth Fault Fwd Earth fault forward Not supported
52 Earth Fault Rev Earth fault reverse Not supported