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6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
GI: General Interrogation (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section 7.4.3)
Type ID: Type Identification (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section 7.2.1)
1 : time-tagged message
2 : time-tagged message with relative time
3 : measurands I
4 : time-tagged measurands with relative time
5 : identification
6 : time synchronization
8 : general interrogation termination
9 : measurands II
10: generic data
11: generic identification
20: general command
23: list of recorded disturbances
26: ready for transmission for disturbance data
27: ready for transmission of a channel
28: ready for transmission of tags
29: transmission of tags
30: transmission of disturbance values
31: end of transmission
COT: Cause of Transmission (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section 7.2.3)
1: spontaneous
2: cyclic
3: reset frame count bit (FCB)
4: reset communication unit (CU)
5: start / restart
6: power on
7: test mode
8: time synchronization
9: general interrogation
10: termination of general interrogation
11: local operation
12: remote operation
20: positive acknowledgement of command
21: negative acknowledgement of command
31: transmission of disturbance data
40: positive acknowledgement of generic write command
41: negative acknowledgement of generic write command
42: valid data response to generic read command
43: invalid data response to generic read command
44: generic write confirmation
FUN: Function type (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section
DPI: Double-point Information (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section
DCO: Double Command (refer to IEC60870-5-103 section