
Sample Assembly Code to Erase and Reprogram the TMS320F206
A.3 Sample Assembly Code to Erase and Reprogram the TMS320F206
The algorithm files can be used from assembly in a straightforward manner. In
general, the algorithms can reside anywhere in program space. However, the
algorithms cannot be executed from the flash module that is being modified,
and the algorithms must execute with zero wait states. The assembly code and
linker command file in this section provide a working example for the ’F206. In
this example, the algorithms reside in SARAM, and flash1 is erased and repro-
A.3.1 Assembly Code for TMS320F206
* Filename: ASMEXAMP.ASM *
* Description: *
* This file contains an example of how to erase *
* and program the TMS320F206 flash from assembly *
* code using the standard flash algorithm modules. *
* The example erases one of the ’F206 flash *
* modules, then programs the first three words. *
* Since the standard flash algorithms are actually *
* used to perform the various flash operations, *
* they must must be combined with this code at *
* link time. *
* 03/20/98 Updated for inclusion in flash *
* technical reference. *
.title ”**Example of Using ’F2XX Flash Algorithms**”
;**Variables included from flash algorithms.
.include ”svar20.h” ;Variable declarations
.ref GCLR ;References clear algo.
.ref GPGMJ ;References program algo.
.ref GERS ;References erase algo.
.ref FLWS ;References Flash–write algo.
;**Parameters used by flash algorithms.
.def PRG_bufaddr, PRG_paddr
.def PRG_length, PARMS
VARS: .usect”PRG_data”,16 ;This is an uninitialized *
;data section required by *
;the standard flash algos *
;for temporary variables. *
;Pointers to this space *
;are hardcoded in SVAR20.H, *
;and variables are *
;init’d at run time. *
PARMS: .usect”PRG_parm”,10 ;This is an uninitialized *