Accessing the Flash Module
Flash Operations and Control Registers
Although the function is the same, the access control registers of the ’F206 de-
vice are mapped at different addresses from that of the ’F24x devices, and
their values are modified in a different way.
2.2.2 TMS320F24x Flash Access-Control Register
The access-control register of the ’F24x devices is a special type of I/O-
mapped register that cannot be read. The register is mapped at I/O address
0FF0Fh, and it functions as indicated below.
For both the IN and OUT instructions, the data operand (dummy) is not used,
and can be any valid memory location.
An OUT instruction using the register address as an I/O port places the flash
module in register-access mode.
For example:
OUT dummy, 0FF0Fh ;Selects register-access mode
An IN instruction using the register address as an I/O port places the flash
module in array-access mode.
The data operand (dummy) is not used, and can be any valid memory location.
For example:
IN dummy, 0FF0Fh ;Selects array-access mode