determining 3-5, 3-11
ensuring data retention 1-2
improving 3-12
in programming 2-13
restoring after flash–write operation 2-15
special read modes for ensuring 2-12
masking data in program operation 3-8
memory maps 1-4
MODE bit 2-6
See also
flash access–control register
mode selection for access 2-6
modifying the array contents 2-2, 2-16
module–control register 2-8
multiple reads at same location 3-5, 3-17
notational conventions iv
OUT instruction 2-7
over–erasure 2-14, 2-15, 3-14
program operation
described 2-13
frequency range 3-5
latching the write address 2-10
latching the write data 2-11
logic levels 2-4
masking off upper or lower bits 2-13
specifying write address 2-13
VER0 read mode 2-13
verification of programmed bits 2-12
worst–case voltage for reading programmed
cell 2-12
program pulse
applying a series 3-8
defined 2-13
program() function (code listing) A-27
programming algorithm
assembly code (SPGM2x.ASM) A-19
described 3-4 to 3-9
flow diagram 3-6
in overall flow 3-4
versus clear algorithm 3-2
programming the flash memory.
program opera-
protection from unintentional erasure 2-16, 3-11
read mode, standard 2-12
read modes 2-12
reading from the array 2-16
recovery from over–erasure 2-15
register–access mode 2-5, 2-10, 2-11
See also
array–access mode
related documentation v
reprogrammability 1-1, 2-14, 2-15, A-1
reserving space for code A-2
retention of data.
data retention
SCLR2x.ASM file A-5
segment control register (SEG_CTR) 2-8
described 2-8
in erase operation 2-14
in flash–write operation 2-15
in mechanism for array protection 2-16
in mode selection 2-6
in program operation 2-13
relation to flash–write pulse 3-14
role in single erase pulse 3-11
role in single flash–write pulse 3-15
role in single program pulse 3-8
segment enable bits (SEG0–SEG7)
described 2-9
in mechanism for array protection 2-16
location in SEG_CTR register 2-8
role in single erase pulse 3-11
role in single flash–write pulse 3-15
role in single program pulse 3-8
segment locations in array 2-10
SERA2x.ASM file (erase algorithm code) A-10
SFLW2x.ASM file (flash–write algorithm code A-15
space for code A-2
SPGM2x.ASM file (program algorithm code) A-19