iiiRead This First
Read This First
About This Manual
This user’s guide gives information for the MSP50C6xx mixed-signal proces-
sor. This information includes a functional overview, a detailed architectural
description, device peripheral functional description, assembly language
instruction listing, code development tools, applications, customer informa-
tion, and electrical characteristics (in data sheet).
How to Use This Manual
This document contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 –Introduction to the MSP50C6xx
Chapter 2 –MSP50C6xx Architecture
Chapter 3 –Peripheral Functions
Chapter 4 –Assembly Language Instructions
Chapter 5 –Code Development Tools
Chapter 6 –Applications
Chapter 7 –Customer Information
Appendix A –Additional Information
Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.
Program listings, program examples, and interactive displays are shown
in a special typeface similar to a typewriter’s. Examples use a bold
version of the special typeface for emphasis; interactive displays use a
bold version of the special typeface to distinguish commands that you
enter from items that the system displays (such as prompts, command
output, error messages, etc.).