4-71Assembly Language Instructions
Symbol Meaning
A~ Select offset accumulator as the source if this bit is 1. Used in opcode encoding only.
~A Select offset accumulator as the destination accumulator if this bit is 1. Used in opcode encod-
ing only.
A~ Select offset accumulator as the source if this bit is 0. Used in opcode encoding only.
~A~ Can be either ~A or A~ based on opcode (or instruction). Used in Opcode encoding only.
An[~] Can be either An or An~ where n = 0...3
APn Accumulator Pointer register where n = 0..3. Low-order 5 bits select one of 32 accumulators.
adrs Addressing mode bits am, Rx, pm. See Table 4–46.
Addressing mode which must be provided. It should be of the format shown in Table 4–46. The curly
braces {} are not included in the actual instruction. The subscript n represents the data size (in bits)
the instruction will use. For example, {adrs}
means that the instruction will use 8-bit data from the
addressed memory and the upper bits may not be used. If n is not provided, data width is 16 bits.
cc Condition code bits used with conditional branch/calls and test flag/bit instructions.
{cc} Conditional code mnemonic used with conditional branch/calls and test flag/bit instructions. Curly
braces indicates this field is not optional.
CF Carry flag
clk Total clock cycles per instruction
dma[n] n bit data memory address. For example, dma8 means 8-bit location data memory address. If n is
not specified, defaults to dma16.
DP Data pointer register, 16 bits
flagadrs Flag addressing syntax as shown in Table 4–47.
flg Test flag bit. Used in opcode encoding only.
{flagadrs} Flag addressing syntax as shown in Table 4–48.
FM Fractional mode
g/r Global/relative flag bit for flag addressing.
IM Interrupt enable mode
imm[n] n bit immediate value. If n is not specified, defaults to imm16.
k0...kn Constant field bits.
MR Multiply register, 16 bits
next A Accumulator pointer premodification. See Table 4–45.
Not Not condition on conditional jumps, conditional calls or test flag instructions.
N/R Not repeatable or not recommended