4.13 Legend
All instructions of the MSP50P614/MSP50C614 use the following syntax:
name [dest] [, src] [, src1] [, mod]
name Name of the instruction. Instruction names are shown in bold letter through out the text.
dest Destination of the data to be stored after the execution of the instruction. Optional for some instructions or
not used. Destination is also used as both source and destination for some instructions.
src Source of the first data. Optional for some instructions or not used.
src1 Source of the second data. Some instructions use a second data source. Optional for some instructions
or not used.
mod Post modification of a register. This can be either next A or Rmod and will be specified in the instruction.
The following table describes the meanings of the symbols used in the
instruction set descriptions:
Bold type means it must be typed exactly as shown.
italics type means it is a variable.
[ ] square brackets enclose optional arguments.
0 ≤ dma6 ≤ 63
0 ≤ dma16 ≤ 65535 dma16 ≤ 639 for MSP50P614/MSP50C614
0 ≤ imm5 ≤ 31
0 ≤ imm16 ≤ 65535
0 ≤ offset6 ≤ 63
0 ≤ offset7 ≤ 127
0 ≤ offset16 ≤ 65535
0 ≤ pma8 ≤ 255
0 ≤ pma16 ≤ 65535 pma16 ≤ 32767 for MSP50P614/MSP50C614
0 ≤ port4 ≤ 15
0 ≤ port6 ≤ 63
! Invert the bit of the source. Used with flag addressing only.
An Accumulator selector where n = 0...3. An is the accumulator pointed by APn.
An~ Offset accumulator selector where n = 0...3. An is the accumulator pointed by APn+16; APn wraps
after 31.