Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-68 OTS9100 User Manual
This command selects, for the current remote-control port, the character the OTS system recognizes as
End-of-Input. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:PORT:RXTERM?
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:PORT:RXTERM <Enum>
Parameters Description
LF Line feed (LF) character, 0x0A; an optional preceding CR is ignored
CR Carriage return (CR) character, 0x0D; an optional preceding LF is ignored
This command controls, for the current remote-control port, the characters the OTS system sends at the
end of a query response. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:PORT:TXTERM?
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:PORT:TXTERM <Enum>
Parameters Description
LF Line feed (LF) character, 0x0A
CR Carriage return (CR) character, 0x0D
CRLF CR followed by LF
LFCR LF followed by CR
This command controls the state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) control signal on the COM1 port. The
query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM1A:DTR?
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERIal:COM1A:DTR <Boolean>