Operating Basics: User Interface
OTS9100 User Manual 2-75
Figure 2-49: Analysis menu – SONET/T1M1 Path
The error count and the error ratio are both displayed when applicable. The results are broken
down separately into Section, Line, and Path results. Each item of the analysis results is briefly
described as follows.
CV – Code Violations are counted per ITU-T G.826 and GR-253-CORE specifications.
BBE – Background block errors are the count of errored blocks during non-severely errored
ES – Errored Seconds are the number of seconds since testing was started (or restarted) in
which one or more errors were detected. Errored seconds are only counted during available time.
SES – Severely Errored Seconds are counted per ITU-T G.826 and GR-253-CORE
specifications. Severely errored seconds are only counted during available time.
UAS – Unavailable Seconds are the number of seconds during which error performance was
such that the received signal was deemed to be unavailable. Transition into and out of the
unavailable state is evaluated according to ITU-T G.826 and GR-253-CORE standards.
CSES – Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds are the count of consecutive severely errored
second periods. A CSES period is defined as a period of more than 2, but less than 10,
consecutive SES.
ESA – Errored Second Type A is a second in which a single anomaly was detected.
ESB – Errored Second Type B is a second in which there was more than one anomaly, but
fewer than the threshold for declaration of a Severely Errored Second.