Reference: Remote Commands ~ Syntax
3-12 OTS9100 User Manual
Chaining Commands and Queries
You can chain several commands or queries together into a single message. To create a chained message,
first create a command or query, add a semicolon (;), and then add more commands or queries and
semicolons until you are done. Figure 3-3 illustrates a chained message consisting of several commands
and queries. The single chained message should end in a command or query, not a semicolon. Responses
to any queries in your message are separated by semicolons.
Figure 3-3: Example of chaining commands and queries
If a command or query has the same root and lower-level nodes as the previous command or query, you
can omit these nodes. In Figure 3-4, the second command has the same root and lower-level nodes
(SOURCe:INSErt:ANOMaly) as the first command, so these nodes can be omitted.
Figure 3-4: Example of omitting root and lower-level nodes in chained message
STS-192c; PRBS23A
The response from this chaine
e mi
ht be
Response from first query
Response from second query
Second query First query
First command
Second command (omitted the
root and lower-level nodes)
Identical root and lower-level nodes