Check handlebar and correspond-
ing steering nozzle and side vanes
operation before starting. Never
turn handlebar while someone is
nearby rear of watercraft. Ke ep
away from stee rin g moving parts
(nozzle, side vanes, linkage etc.).
GTX Limit ed an d RXT Int e rn at io na l
Model s
The han dlebar height can be adjusted
to suit rider preferences.
To perform this adjustment, turn the
knob underneath the ha ndlebar.
1. Adjustment knob
X Package M odels
The han dlebar height can be adjusted
to suit rider preferences.
To perform this adjustme nt, see an au-
thorized Sea-Doo dealer.
Throttle Lever
All Models Except X Package
When the throttle lever is pushed, the
watercraft accelerates. When fully
released, engine a utom a tically slow s
down to i dle speed and waterc r aft is
gradually stopped by water drag.
1. Throttle lever
2. To accelerate
3. To de celer ate
Fing er Throttle
X Package Only
Provides more comfortable throttle op-
eration under dema nding conditions.
When pulled, the w a t ercraft acceler-
ates. When fully released, engine a u-
tomatically slows down to idle speed
and watercraf t is gradually stopped by
water d rag.
1. Throttle lever
2. To accelerate
3. To de celer ate
Engine Start/Stop Button
To start engine, depres s and hold the
start/stop button. Release immedi-
ately after engine is started.
To stop engine, depres s the start/st op
button. When s topped, disco nnec t
the D ES S key from its post. It is sug-
gested to release throttle lever first.