
Th ree Stars – Ultra Lo w Emi ssion
The three-star label identifies engines that m eet the Air R es ources Bo ard ’s P er-
sonal Watercraft and Outboa rd m arine engine 2008 exhaust emissi on s ta nda rds
or the Ste rn drive a nd Inboard marine engine 2003 exhaust emissio n s tand ards.
Engines meeting these standards have 65% lower emiss ions than One Star
Low Emission eng ines.
Four Stars – Super U ltra Low Emission
The four-star label identifi es engines tha t meet the Air Re so urce s Bo ard’s
Stern-drive and Inboard marine engine 2009 ex ha us t emission standards . Per-
sonal Watercraft a nd Outboard marine engines may also compl y with these
standards. Engines meeting these s tan da rds have 90% low er emissions than
One Star – Low Emission engines.
For more information:
Cleaner Watercraft G et the Facts
1 800 END-SMOG
Your Emiss i on Control Warranty Rights and Obligations
The Cal ifornia A ir R es ources Board, the New York State Departm ent of Envi-
ronmental Cons erv a t ion, and BRP US Inc. (“BRP”) on behalf of Bombardier
Recreational Produ cts Inc. a re pleased to explain the emission control system
warranty on your model year 2009 Sea-Doo pe rson al watercraft. I n the states
of Californi a and New York, new pe rson al watercraft engines must be de signed,
built an d equipped to m eet the State’s stringent anti-smog standards. BR P must
warrant the emission control system on your personal watercraft engin e for
the periods of time listed below prov ided there has been no abuse , neglect or
improper maintenance of your personal watercra ft eng ine.
Your emission co ntrol system may include pa rts such as the carbureto r or fuel in-
jection system, the ignition system and catalytic converter. Also included may be
hoses, belts, connectors and other emiss ion related as se m blies.
Where a wa rran table condition exists, BRP will repair your 2009 Sea -Doo personal
watercraft engi ne at no cost to y ou including diagnosi s, parts and l a bor provided
that such work is performed by an authorized BR P dealer.
Manufacturer’s Lim ited Warranty Coverage
This emissio n warranty covers model year 2009 Sea-Doo personal watercraft cer-
tified and pro duc ed b y BRP for sale in th e states of California and New York, that are
originally sold to a resident or subsequently warranty registered to a resident in the
state of California o r New Yo rk. The BRP limited warranty co ndition s for Sea-Doo
personal watercraft are still app licable to these mod els with the necessary modifi-
Select em ission control parts of your 2009 Sea-Doo personal w ate rcraft are wa r-
ranted from the da te of delivery to the first retail consum er for a period of 4 yea rs,
or for 250 hours of use, whichever occurs first. However, warranty coverage
based on th e hourly p eriod is o nly permitted for pers ona l watercraft equipped
with the appropriate hour meters or thei r equivalent. If any em ission-related part
on your engine is defec tive under warranty, the part will be re paired or r eplaced by