
Damage caused by abuse, abnormal use, neglect or operation of the product in
a ma nner i nc ons istent with the recommended operation described in the Oper-
ator’s Guide;
Dam a ge resulting from a ccident, subm ers ion, fire, theft, vanda li sm or a ny act of
Ope ration w ith fuels, oils or lubricants which are not suitable for use with the
product (se e the Operator’s Guide);
Water d amages caused by water ingestion;
Damages related to g el coat fin ish including but not limited to cosmetic gel coat
finish, blisters o r fiberglass de lam ination caused by blisters, crazing, spid er or
hairline cracks; and
Incidenta l or consequential dama ges , or damages of any kind incl uding wi thout
limitation to wing, storage, telephone , rental, tax i, inconvenience, insurance
coverage, loan payments, loss of time, loss of income.
This warranty w ill be in effec t from the date of delive ry to the first retail cons umer
or the date the product is first put into us e, whichever occurs first and for a period
1. Twenty four (24) CONSECUTIVE MONTHS, for private, recreational use.
2. F OUR ( 4) CONSEC UTIVE MONTHS for c om mercial us e owners. A p ersonal
waterc raft is used comm ercia lly when it is used in connection with gen erating
incom e or any work or employmen t during any part of the warranty perio d. A
perso nal watercraft is also used commerc ially when, at any point during the
warrant y period, it ha s comm ercial t ags or is licensed for com m ercial use.
The repair or replacement of parts or the performance of service under this wa r-
ranty does not extend the life of t his warranty beyond its original expiration date.
Note that the duration and any other modalities of the warranty c ov era ge are sub-
ject to the applicable n ational or local legislation in your country.
This warranty coverage is available only if each of th e following conditi ons has
been fulfilled:
The 2009 Sea-Doo personal watercraft mu st be purchased as new and unused
by i ts first owner from a Distributor/Dealer authorized to distribute Sea- Doo per-
sonal watercraft in the country in 7which the sale occurred;
The BRP spec ified pre-delivery inspec tion process m us t be completed and doc-
umented ;
The product must hav e undergone proper registration by an authorized
The 2009 S ea -Doo personal watercraft must be pu rchased within the EEA by an
EEA r es ident.
Routine maintenance outlined in the Operator’s G uide m ust be timely per-
formed in order to maintain warranty cov erage. B RP reserves the rig ht to make
warranty coverage conting ent up on proof of proper ma intenance.