79KVM Switch KVM2132P, KVM2116P, KVM1116P User Manual
Certificate Signing Request
The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is located under Device Management >Security >Private
Certification section. The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) section provides an automated way to
obtain and install a CA signed SSL server certificate. The KVM switch supports 1024-bit certificates
only in .cer format of x509 type.
To perform this operation:
1. Click Create CSR to open the dialog box.
2. Fill in the form with valid entries for your site. There are no unacceptable characters.
3. Click Create when finished (all fields are required). A self-signed certificate based on the
information just provided is now stored on the KVM switch.
4. Click Get CSR, and save the certificate file (csr.cer) to your computer. This is the file given to
the third party CA to apply for their signed SSL certificate.
5. After the CA sends you the certificate, save it to a convenient location on your computer. Click
Browse to locate the file; then click Upload to store it on the KVM switch.
Note: When the file is uploaded, the KVM switch checks the file to make sure the
specified information still matches. If it does, the file is accepted, if not, it is rejected.
To remove the certificate (Example: replacing it due to a domain name change), click Remove CSR.
The Date/Time dialog page sets the KVM switch time parameters according to the information below.
Time Zone.
• Choose from the Time Zone list the city that corresponds to the location of the KVM switch.
• If your country or region employs Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time), check the
corresponding checkbox.
Information Max Characters Example
Country 2 letter code US
State or Province 32 Missouri
Locality 32 St. Louis
Organization 64 Your Company, Ltd.
Unit 32 Techdoc Department
Common Name 32 mycompany.com
Note: The domain name of the site must be exact for the certificate
is to be valid. If the domain name is www.mycompany.com, and
only mycompany.com is specified, the certificate will not be valid.
Email Address 64 administrator@yourcompany.com