39KVM Switch KVM2132P, KVM2116P, KVM1116P User Manual
Port Properties. Select Properties from the popup menu to open a dialog box to enter configuration
settings for the selected port.
Note: This is a quick setting method that performs similar port configuration functions to the
ones performed in “Port Configuration” on page 55.
Make the configuration choices and click Save to close the dialog box.
Port and Outlet Naming
Administrators and users with port configuration permission, can give each port or outlet a name.
To assign, modify or delete a name:
1. Click once on the item you want to edit, wait a second, then click again. After a second or two,
the field opens a text input box.
Note: 1. This is not a double click. It involves two separate clicks. A double click will
switch you to the device attached to the port.
2. In the AP GUI version you can right click on the port you want to edit, then select
Rename in the popup box that appears, or you can highlight the port and press F2.
2. Enter a name for the item (or change or delete a previous name).
– Any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols on the typewriter keys of PC US English
layout can be used. The maximum number of characters allowed is 20.
– Activate your local IME to input non-English characters. For languages that use 2 byte
encoding, the maximum number of characters allowed is 9.
3. Press the [
ENTER] key or click anywhere outside the input box to complete the operation.
Field Explanation
Port OS Specifies the operating system that the server on the connected port is using. Choices are Win,
Mac, Sun, and Other. The default is Win.
OS Language Specifies the OS language being used by the server on the connected port. Select from the
available choices in the drop down list. The default is English US.
Cable Length Specifies the length of the Cat5e cable that is used to connect the server to the port. Choices are
Short (less than 10 m), Medium (10-25 m), and Long (greater than 25 m). The default is Short.
Note: Cable length can affect video quality. Shorter cables offer better quality. This setting is
designed to compensate for longer or shorter cable lengths. Find the setting that best suits your
Access Mode Define how the port is to be accessed when multiple users have logged on.
• Exclusive: The first user to switch to the port has exclusive control over the port. No other users
can view the port. The Timeout function does not apply to ports with this setting.
• Occupy: The first user to switch to the port has control over the port. However, additional users
may view the port's video display. If the user who controls the port is inactive for longer than the
time set in the Timeout box, port control is transferred to the first user to move the mouse or
strike the keyboard.
• Share: Users simultaneously share control of the port. Input from the users is placed in a queue
and executed chronologically. Under these circumstances, users can take advantage of the
Message Board, which allows users to communicate with each other regarding control of the
keyboard and mouse or keyboard, mouse, and video.
Timeout Set a time threshold for users on ports whose Access Mode has been set to Occupy. If there is no
activity from the user occupying the port for the amount of time set here, the user is timed out and
the port is released. The first user to send keyboard or mouse input after the port has been released
gets to occupy the port.
Enter a value from 0 to 255 seconds. The default is 3 seconds. A setting of 0 causes the port to be
released the instant there is no input.