5KVM Switch KVM2132P, KVM2116P, KVM1116P User Manual
KVM Server Modules and cables
Note: KVM server modules are also referred to as adapter cables in some dialog boxes..
• Cat5e (or higher) cable connects the switch to the KVM server modules.
• The following KVM server modules and cables are required for use with the switch.
Supported Operating Systems
• Microsoft Windows
• Linux
• Mac
Supported browsers for remote users:
Cable Type Port Type
KVM-PS2 Connect to devices with PS/2 ports
KVM-PS2VM Connect to devices with PS/2 ports, virtual media support
KVM-USB Connect to devices with USB ports
KVM-USBVM Connect to devices with USB ports, virtual media support
KVM-USBVMCAC Connect to devices with USB ports, virtual media and smart card/CAC
KVM-SERIAL Connect to serial based devices
AP5641 (Optional) Connect a rack PDU to the KVM
Browser Version
IE 6 and higher,
Chrome 8.0 and higher
Firefox Windows 3.5 and higher
Linux 3.0 and higher
Safari Windows 4.0 and higher
Mac 3.1 and higher
Opera 10.0 and higher
Mozilla Windows 1.7 and higher
Sun 1.7 and higher
Netscape 9.0 and higher