50 HRB1684301-01
Chapter 4—Remote meter setup PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual
reconfigure ION Setup to match the new settings to re-establish communications with
your meter.
1. If applicable, disconnect all serial devices presently connected to the Ethernet
gateway’s RS-485 port.
2. Configure the Ethernet gateway’s serial port settings to match the meter’s default
serial communications settings:
— Baud rate = 19200
— Parity = Even
3. Connect the meter’s RS-485 port to the Ethernet gateway.
4. Connect the Ethernet gateway to the LAN.
5. Start ION Setup in Network mode.
6. Add an Ethernet gateway site and set its properties:
— IP address = IP address of the Ethernet gateway
— Port = 502 (for Modbus RTU)
7. Add a meter to the site and set its properties:
— Type = PowerLogic PM5000 series Power Meter
— Unit ID = 1
8. Use the RS-485 Base Comm setup screen to modify the meter’s serial
communications settings.
9. Click Send to save your changes to the meter. You need to reconfigure ION Setup
to match the changed settings in order to re-establish communications with your
NOTE: If you set the protocol to ASCII 7, ASCII 8 or JBus, you cannot use ION Setup
to reconnect to the meter — ION Setup does not communicate using these protocols.
10. Exit ION Setup.
Meter setup through RS-485
After the meter’s RS-485 port is configured and connected to the RS-485 network, you
can use ION Setup to configure all other meter setup parameters.
Related topics
• See “Setting up serial communications” on page 39 for details on using the meter’s
display panel to configure the RS-485 port.
RS-485 port settings
Parameter Values Description
Modbus RTU, JBus,
Select the communications format used to transmit
data. The protocol must be the same for all devices in a
communications loop.
ION Setup does not support ASCII 8, ASCII 7 or JBus
Address 1 to 247
Set the address for this device. The address must be
unique for each device in a communications loop. For
JBus protocol, set the device ID to 255.
This value is used in both Ethernet and serial
communications; if you change this value, you need to
update your meter properties in ION Setup to re-
establish Ethernet communications.
Baud Rate 9600, 19200, 38400
Select the speed for data transmission. The baud rate
must be the same for all devices in a communications
Parity Even, Odd, None
Select None if the parity bit is not used. The parity
setting must be the same for all devices in a
communications loop.