
102 HRB1684301-01
Chapter 10—Alarms PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual
To acknowledge alarms using the meter display:
1. Navigate to Alarm > Unack.
2. Select the alarm you want to acknowledge. Press Detail.
3. Press Ack to acknowledge the alarm.
4. Repeat for other unacknowledged alarms.
Active alarms list and alarm history log
Each occurrence of a low, medium or high priority alarm is stored in the active alarms
list and recorded in the alarm history log. Alarms are displayed sequentially in the order
of their occurrence, regardless of priority.
Alarm memory usage
There are two types of alarm entries: primary and secondary. The primary entry
identifies the alarm. The secondary entry provides pickup and dropout information.
The active alarm list holds 40 entries at a time. The list works as a circular buffer,
replacing old entries as new entries over 40 are entered into the active alarms list. The
information in the active alarms list is volatile and reinitializes when the meter resets.
The alarm history log holds 40 entries. The log also works as a circular buffer, replacing
old entries with new entries. The information in the alarm history log is nonvolatile and
is retained when the meter resets.
Resetting alarms
To reset the alarms using the meter display, see the alarm parameters under “Single
resets” on page 84.
To reset the alarms using ION Setup, open the Meter Resets screen and select the
alarm parameters to clear.
Related topics
See “Monitoring” on page 58 to view active alarms and alarm history using the
meter webpages.