
PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual Chapter 16—Power, energy and power factor
HRB1684301-01 137
PF sign convention
Depending on the regional settings, the meter shows positive or negative power factor
according to IEC or IEEE standards.
PF sign in IEC mode
When the regional setting is set to IEC mode, the meter correlates power factor sign
(PF sign) with the direction of real power (P) flow.
For positive real power (+P), the PF sign is positive (+).
For negative real power (-P), the PF sign is negative (-).
Power and PF lead / lag
PF lead / lag summary
Quadrant Current phase shift Load type PF lead / lag
Quadrant 1 Current lags voltage Inductive PF lag
Quadrant 2 Current leads voltage Capacitive PF lead
Quadrant 3 Current lags voltage Inductive PF lag
Quadrant 4 Current leads voltage Capacitive PF lead
P (+)
P (-)
P (+)
P (-)
Q (-)Q (-)
Q (+) Q (+)
Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
PF lead
Quadrant 1
Quadrant 2
PF lag
PF lag
PF lead