ProWORX Nxt Configuration
840 USE 106 00 January 2003 221
Field and
The following table describes the functions of the fields of the Command/Status
Registers dialog screen:
Field Function
Swap Port 1 Use to specify if Modbus Port 1 address on
primary PLC will change to the standby PLC
Modbus Port 1 address when a switchover
from primary to standby occurs. The 2
options for this field are:
Yes - address changes on switchover
No - address does not change on
Swap Port 2 Use to specify if Modbus Port 2 address on
primary PLC will change to the standby PLC
Modbus Port 2 address when a switchover
from primary to standby occurs. The 2
options for this field are:
Yes - address changes on switchover
No - address does not change on
Swap Port 3 Use to specify if Modbus Port 3 address on
primary PLC will change to the standby PLC
Modbus Port 3 address when a switchover
from primary to standby occurs. The 2
options for this field are:
Yes - address changes on switchover
No - address does not change on
Controller A Mode Use to specify the operating mode for the
PLC at startup when the keyswitch override
is enabled. There are 2 options for this field:
Controller B Mode Use to specify the operating mode for the
PLC at startup when the keyswitch override
is enabled. There are 2 options for this field:
Standby Mode (on logic mismatch) Use to specify Standby PLC’s state if a
mismatch is detected between its logic
program and the Primary PLCs logic
program. The 2 state options are:
Yes – Online Standby with logic mismatch
No – Offline with logic mismatch