Using a Quantum IEC Hot Standby System
840 USE 106 00 January 2003
7.5 Operation
Starting Your Hot Standby System
Be sure
the controller you are starting first has been fully programmed;
the function keyswitch on the CHS 110 module is in the Run position;
the designation slide switches on CHS 110 modules are in opposite positions.
Starting the
The first controller to power up, automatically becomes the Primary controller,
regardless of its designation as A or B.
Note: Start one controller at a time.
Step Action
1 Turn on power to the first backplane.
2 Start the controller in that backplane.
3 Turn on power to the second backplane.
4 Transfer the program from the Primary to the Standby controller by putting the
keyswitch in transfer position and pressing the update push button on the
Standby’s CHS module (refer to
Using a Quantum 984 HSBY System, p. 67