Ethernet Hot Standby Solution
840 USE 106 00 January 2003 173
Address Swap Times
Description The following table details what the "time for an Address swap" comprises, such as
the time to close connections, time to swap IP addresses, or time to establish
The following table shows the swap time for each of the Ethernet services.
Service Typical Swap Time Maximum Swap Time
Swap IP Addresses 6 ms 500 ms
I/O Scanning 1 initial cycle of I/O Scanning 500 ms + 1 initial cycle of I/O
Global Data For times, please see the
NOE 771 xx Ethernet
Modules User Guide
500 ms + 1 CPU scan
Client Messaging 1 CPU scan 500 ms + 1 CPU scan
Server Messaging 1 CPU scan + the time of the
client reestablishment
500 ms + the time of the client
reestablishment connection
FTP/TFTP Server The time of the client
reestablishment connection
500 ms + the time of the client
reestablishment connection
SNMP 1 CPU scan 500 ms + 1 CPU scan
HTTP Server The time of the client
reestablishment connection
500 ms + the time of the client
reestablishment connection