SRP/SRP0/SRP1 — Set Register Pointer
SRP src
SRP0 src
SRP1 src
Operation: If src (1) = 1 and src (0) = 0 then: RP0 (3–7) ← src (3–7)
If src (1) = 0 and src (0) = 1 then: RP1 (3–7) ← src (3–7)
If src (1) = 0 and src (0) = 0 then: RP0 (4–7) ← src (4–7),
RP0 (3) ← 0
RP1 (4–7) ← src (4–7),
RP1 (3) ← 1
The source data bits one and zero (LSB) determine whether to write one or both of the register
pointers, RP0 and RP1. Bits 3–7 of the selected register pointer are written unless both register
pointers are selected. RP0.3 is then cleared to logic zero and RP1.3 is set to logic one.
Flags: No flags are affected.
Bytes Cycles Opcode
Addr Mode
opc src 2 4 31 IM
Examples: The statement SRP #40H sets the register pointer 0 (RP0) at the location 0D6H to 40H and the
register pointer 1 (RP1) at the location 0D7H to 48 H.
The statement "SRP0 #50H" would set RP0 to 50H, and the statement "SRP1 #68H" would set
RP1 to 68H.
NOTE: Before execute the STOP instruction, You must set the STPCON register as “10100101b”.
Otherwise the STOP instruction will not execute.