POP — Pop from Stack
POP dst
Operation: dst ← @SP
SP ← SP + 1
The contents of the location addressed by the stack pointer are loaded into the destination.
The stack pointer is then incremented by one.
Flags: No flags are affected.
Bytes Cycles Opcode
Addr Mode
opc dst 2 8 50 R
8 51 IR
Examples: Given: Register 00H = 01H, register 01H = 1BH, SPH (0D8H) = 00H, SPL (0D9H) = 0FBH,
and stack register 0FBH = 55H:
POP 00H → Register 00H = 55H, SP = 00FCH
POP @00H → Register 00H = 01H, register 01H = 55H, SP = 00FCH
In the first example, the general register 00H contains the value 01H. The statement "POP 00H"
loads the contents of the location 00FBH (55H) into the destination register 00H and then
increments the stack pointer by one. The register 00H then contains the value 55H and the SP
points to the location 00FCH.