Lap/Shoulder Belt with BucLap/Shoulder Belt with Buc
Lap/Shoulder Belt with BucLap/Shoulder Belt with Buc
Lap/Shoulder Belt with Buc
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Slides FreelSlides Freel
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y Along Seat Belt y Along Seat Belt
y Along Seat Belt y Along Seat Belt
y Along Seat Belt
1. Place the vehicle lap belt around the front of the
and position it through the appropriate
forward-facing vehicle belt path. Click the latch plate
into the buckle.
2. Push down firmly on the Sit’n’Stroll
to sink it into
the car’s seat cushion, while pulling on the shoulder
part of the lap/shoulder belt. You may have to press
on one armrest at a time to get the auto belt tight.
Pull the seat belt as tight as possible across the unit.
3. Hold the lap and shoulder belts together behind the
latch plate. Unbuckle the belt while holding the belts
4. Thread the locking clip onto both belts , placing it as
close to the latch plate as possible .
5. Buckle the vehicle belt again. It may be necessary
to press the Sit’n’Stroll
into the auto seat cushion
to get it buckled. The belt should be tight around the
restraint. If it is not, remove the locking clip and
repeat steps 1-4. If the child restraint cannot be held
tightly, move it to another seating location. If there is
not a position that will keep the child restraint
secured with a lap belt, contact your vehicle dealer
to have a lap belt installed in your vehicle.
6. Secure the top tether to the vehicle tether anchor if
Free sliding lap/shoulder belts have a free sliding latchFree sliding lap/shoulder belts have a free sliding latch
Free sliding lap/shoulder belts have a free sliding latchFree sliding lap/shoulder belts have a free sliding latch
Free sliding lap/shoulder belts have a free sliding latch
plate that does not lock to the belt. When placing theplate that does not lock to the belt. When placing the
plate that does not lock to the belt. When placing theplate that does not lock to the belt. When placing the
plate that does not lock to the belt. When placing the
Sit’n’Stroll™ in seating positions equipped with thisSit’n’Stroll™ in seating positions equipped with this
Sit’n’Stroll™ in seating positions equipped with thisSit’n’Stroll™ in seating positions equipped with this
Sit’n’Stroll™ in seating positions equipped with this
system, you must use a locking clip to prevent the seatsystem, you must use a locking clip to prevent the seat
system, you must use a locking clip to prevent the seatsystem, you must use a locking clip to prevent the seat
system, you must use a locking clip to prevent the seat
belt frbelt fr
belt frbelt fr
belt fr
om slipping,om slipping,
om slipping,om slipping,
om slipping,
unless it has a s unless it has a s
unless it has a s unless it has a s
unless it has a s
le retractorle retractor
le retractorle retractor
le retractor