According to accident statistics, childrenAccording to accident statistics, children
According to accident statistics, childrenAccording to accident statistics, children
According to accident statistics, children
are safer when properly restrained in theare safer when properly restrained in the
are safer when properly restrained in theare safer when properly restrained in the
are safer when properly restrained in the
rear seating positions than in the frontrear seating positions than in the front
rear seating positions than in the frontrear seating positions than in the front
rear seating positions than in the front
seating positions.seating positions.
seating positions.seating positions.
seating positions.
Choosing an ApprChoosing an Appr
Choosing an ApprChoosing an Appr
Choosing an Appr
opriate opriate
opriate opriate
le Seat Locationle Seat Location
le Seat Locationle Seat Location
le Seat Location
The Sit’n’Stroll™ was designed to be used in automobiles and airplanes, and
should not be used in boats or on motorcycles. The Sit’n’Stroll™ must be posi-
tioned in a seat that faces the front of the vehicle. The Sit’n’Stroll™ was not
designed to be used in seats facing the rear or the center of the vehicle, and it is
dangerous to install and use the Sit’n’Stroll™ in any such seat. The back seat is
the safest location for children 12 and under.
See the drawings below for further clarification.See the drawings below for further clarification.
See the drawings below for further clarification.See the drawings below for further clarification.
See the drawings below for further clarification.
Correct Position!Correct Position!
Correct Position!Correct Position!
Correct Position!
The center rear seating
location is generally the
safest position for your child.
Correct Position!Correct Position!
Correct Position!Correct Position!
Correct Position!
Always install your
Sit’n’Stroll™ in a vehicle
seat that faces the front of
the vehicle.
Do not install your
Sit’n’Stroll™ in a vehicle
seat that faces the center of
the vehicle.
Do not install your
Sit’n’Stroll™ in a vehicle
seat that faces the rear of
the vehicle.