If you do not use the top tether, remove the tether from the Sit’n’Stroll
and store in a secure location. An unsecured top tether could cause
injury if not properly used.
Check your vehicle to determine which type of seat belt system you have. Some
vehicles have more than one type of belt system depending on the seating
position. The center rear position may have a lap only belt while the side seating
locations may have a lap-shoulder system. If you are not sure which system you
have, check your vehicle owner’s manual or contact your vehicle dealer or
Automatic (passive) Seat BeltsAutomatic (passive) Seat Belts
Automatic (passive) Seat BeltsAutomatic (passive) Seat Belts
Automatic (passive) Seat Belts
See picture below showing shoulder belt attached to automobile door.
Never use an automatic seat belt system to secureNever use an automatic seat belt system to secure
Never use an automatic seat belt system to secureNever use an automatic seat belt system to secure
Never use an automatic seat belt system to secure
the Sit’n’Stroll™ in the vehicle. The belt(s) movethe Sit’n’Stroll™ in the vehicle. The belt(s) move
the Sit’n’Stroll™ in the vehicle. The belt(s) movethe Sit’n’Stroll™ in the vehicle. The belt(s) move
the Sit’n’Stroll™ in the vehicle. The belt(s) move
as the car door is opened or the engine is startedas the car door is opened or the engine is started
as the car door is opened or the engine is startedas the car door is opened or the engine is started
as the car door is opened or the engine is started
and will not properly secure the Sit’n’Stroll™.and will not properly secure the Sit’n’Stroll™.
and will not properly secure the Sit’n’Stroll™.and will not properly secure the Sit’n’Stroll™.
and will not properly secure the Sit’n’Stroll™.
For your child’s safety, the Sit’n’Stroll™’s patented design provides
double-belted protection for your child and is designed to use your
automobile’s seat belt the way it was originally designed—to go
across the front of the occupant.
There are some vehicle seat belt systems which will notThere are some vehicle seat belt systems which will not
There are some vehicle seat belt systems which will notThere are some vehicle seat belt systems which will not
There are some vehicle seat belt systems which will not
securely restrain the Sit’n’Strollsecurely restrain the Sit’n’Stroll
securely restrain the Sit’n’Strollsecurely restrain the Sit’n’Stroll
securely restrain the Sit’n’Stroll
. Follow the instruc-. Follow the instruc-
. Follow the instruc-. Follow the instruc-
. Follow the instruc-
tions in this manual and in the vehicle manual exactly totions in this manual and in the vehicle manual exactly to
tions in this manual and in the vehicle manual exactly totions in this manual and in the vehicle manual exactly to
tions in this manual and in the vehicle manual exactly to
assure correct installation.assure correct installation.
assure correct installation.assure correct installation.
assure correct installation.
Never use only the top tether to install the Sit’n’StrollNever use only the top tether to install the Sit’n’Stroll
Never use only the top tether to install the Sit’n’StrollNever use only the top tether to install the Sit’n’Stroll
Never use only the top tether to install the Sit’n’Stroll
It is necessary to use the vehicle seat belt system withIt is necessary to use the vehicle seat belt system with
It is necessary to use the vehicle seat belt system withIt is necessary to use the vehicle seat belt system with
It is necessary to use the vehicle seat belt system with
the top tetherthe top tether
the top tetherthe top tether
the top tether
Serious injur Serious injur
Serious injur Serious injur
Serious injur
y or death could result ify or death could result if
y or death could result ify or death could result if
y or death could result if
only the top tether is used.only the top tether is used.
only the top tether is used.only the top tether is used.
only the top tether is used.