Search and play
Search a desired recorded image and play it. There are the following 3 searching methods.
• Searchforrecordingeventsandplay(recordingeventsearch)
• Searchfortimeanddatewhenamotionwasdetectedfromrecordedimagesandplay(VMDsearch)
• Searchforcopiedrecordedimagesandplay(copydatasearch)
Playback images will be displayed on a 1-screen on monitor 2. To play recorded images on a multiscreen,
switch to a multiscreen after starting playback.
Search and play recording events (recording event search)
Display a list of recording events, and then select a desired recording event to play from the list.
It is also possible to filter recording events using the following search filters.
Search filter
Search filter Description
Time & date Search for images recorded in a time range designated by selecting the start time
and the end time
Event Search for images recorded by the selected recording mode only.
• Recordingmode/Event
Manual recording, schedule recording, emergency recording, video loss, terminal
alarm, command alarm, video motion detection (VMD), camera site alarm
• i-VMDcameraalarm
Motion detection, object appearance/disappearance, terminal alarm, residence
detection, direction detection, interruption detection
Camera Search for images recorded using the selected camera channels only.
Recording event list
Displays the search filter window on which the search
filters can be specified.
[Select Medium] button
Displays the disk selection window on which a media
(HDD, DVD, SDHC/SD memory card) subject to play
can be selected.