Display images on a multiscreen
To display live images on a multiscreen (4-, 7-, 8-, 9-, 12-, 16-screen), take the following procedures.
Images will be displayed on a multiscreen with the screen pattern selected on the setup menu ("Camera setup"
under "Multi screen setup" on the "Common" tab under "Display" (☞ Installation Guide)).
• Blackzoneswillbedisplayedontherightandleftoronthetopandbottomdependingontheconnected
• Themultiscreenpatternwillchangeasfollows.
16-screen → 4-screen → 7-screen → 8-screen → 9-screen → 12-screen → 16-screen
• Whenaudioisbeinginput,audioassignedtothecamerafromwhichimagesaredisplayedonthesegment
at upper left corner will be heard. When no audio is assigned to the camera (from which images are dis-
played on the segment at upper left corner), audio to be output will be determined in order of priority. The
order of priority is as follows.
Upper left (highest priority) → Lower right (Lowest priority)
Example: When displaying images on an 8-screen, the order of priority will be as follows.
When no audio is assigned to any of the camera channels from which images are currently being displayed
on a multiscreen, audio being input to audio input connector 1 (AUDIO IN 1) will be heard.