Login operation at startup
When "Off" is selected for "Auto login", the login window will be displayed by pressing any button on the front
panel after completing the system check.
Enter a user name and password as follows when the login window is displayed.
Step 1
Enter a user name and password. When the [SET]
button is pressed after moving the cursor to the entry
field, the software keyboard for character entry will be
• Refertopages22and25forhowtooperatethe
software keyboard for character entry.
• RefertotheInstallationGuideforhowtoregister
• When"On"isselectedfor"Quicklogin",theuser
name can be selected from the displayed list.
(☞ Installation Guide)
Step 2
Move the cursor onto the [OK] button using the
arrows button (C D A B), and then press the [SET]
→ When the entered user name and password are
correct, the login window will disappear and live
images will be displayed. When the entered user
name or password is incorrect, the login window
will be displayed again.
• Thedefaultadministratornameandpasswordare
as follows.
Administrator name: ADMIN
Password: 12345
• Toenhancethesecurity,changethedefault
administrator name and password before running
the recorder. Change the password periodically.
Refer to the Installation Guide for how to change
the password.
• Tologout,select"Logout"fromthesubmenu.
Refer to page 16 for further information about the