Optimizing Disk and Cache Performance for Traditional Volumes
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Optimizing Disk and Cache
Performance for Traditional
Vol um es
provides several methods for improving the performance of your NetWare Traditional
File System:
Section 7.1, “Optimizing Storage Disk Capacity for Traditional Volumes,” on page 43
Section 7.2, “Improving Disk Reads on Traditional Volumes,” on page 45
Section 7.3, “Improving Disk Writes for Traditional Volumes,” on page 46
Section 7.4, “Configuring SET Parameters for the NetWare Traditional File System,” on
page 48
Section 7.5, “Configuring Common File System SET Parameters for NetWare,” on page 49
For instructions on using the set command, see “SET” in the OES 2: Utilities Reference.
For instructions on configuring set command parameters in Novell Remote Manager for NetWare,
see the OES 2: Novell Remote Manager for NetWare Administration Guide.
7.1 Optimizing Storage Disk Capacity for
Traditional Volumes
There are several options for increasing the capacity of your storage disks:
Section 7.1.1, “Saving Disk Space with Block Suballocation,” on page 43
Section 7.1.2, “Disable Read-After-Write-Verify,” on page 44
Section 7.1.3, “For 16-Bit Disk Adapters, Increase the Number of Reserved Buffers Below 16
MB,” on page 44
Section 7.1.4, “Use Drivers that Support Scatter/Gather Functionality,” on page 44
Section 7.1.5, “Provide a Disk Large Enough for a Memory Core Dump,” on page 44
Section 7.1.6, “Select Segments for Volumes from Different Disks,” on page 44
Section 7.1.7, “Monitor Free Space in Volumes,” on page 44
7.1.1 Saving Disk Space with Block Suballocation
Use block suballocation to enhance use of disk space.
Block suballocation divides any partially used disk block into suballocation blocks of 512 bytes.
These suballocation blocks can be used by files to share what would otherwise be unavailable space.
You can set block suballocation only when creating a Traditional volume. For instructions on setting
block suballocation on Traditional volumes, see Section 3.7, “Creating and Mounting a Traditional
Volume,” on page 20.