
32 OES 2: NetWare Traditional File System Administration Guide
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
4.1.5 Suspending File Compression
Use the set command’s Enable File Compression parameter to temporarily suspend file
compression for a volume. For instructions, see “SET” in the OES 2: Utilities Reference.
While file compression is suspended, files that would have been compressed are queued and
compressed when compression is re-enabled.
You can also use the monitor utility to change file compression parameters. For a general
description, see “MONITOR” in the OES 2: Utilities Reference.
4.2 Salvaging and Purging Files
Traditional volumes provide a salvage subsystem where deleted files are retained on the server until
a purge delay time elapses, the deleted file is salvaged, or the deleted file is purged manually,
whichever first occurs. The default purge delay time is four (4) days. When the purge delay time
elapses or if server runs out of disk allocation blocks on the volume, deleted files are deleted in a
first-deleted, first-purged order.
Section 4.2.1, “Configuring Salvage for All NSS Volumes on the Server,” on page 32
Section 4.2.2, “Salvaging Deleted Files,” on page 32
Section 4.2.3, “Purging Deleted Files,” on page 33
4.2.1 Configuring Salvage for All NSS Volumes on the Server
By default, all volumes on the server can optionally use the salvage feature to save deleted files for
some predefined time or until space is needed. If you do not want files to be salvageable after
deletion, you can enable the Immediate Purge of Deleted Files parameter. When this parameter is
enabled at the server level, whenever a file is deleted, it is purged immediately. This server-level
salvage setting overrides the settings for volume-level and file-level salvage parameters. For
instructions, see “SET” in the OES 2: Utilities Reference.
Table 4-1 Server-Level Salvage Parameter
4.2.2 Salvaging Deleted Files
Salvageable files are deleted files that are saved by NetWare after being deleted by users
When you delete a file on a Traditional NetWare volume, the deleted file is moved into the
sys:\deleted.sav directory, which is known as the file salvage area. No record is kept of
where the file originated, so salvaging files by their original directory is not possible.
Parameter Description
Supported Values: On or Off (default)
If this parameter is set to On, all files on all
Traditional volumes or NSS volumes on the server
are purged immediately when they are deleted.