C Commands Summary
68 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
On MiLLennium GPSCards this command enables or disables the supply of electrical power from the internal
power source of the card to the low-noise amplifier (LNA) of an active antenna. Jumper P301 allows the user to
power the LNA either by an internal power source (plug connects pins 1&2) or an optional external power source
(plug connects pins 2&3); or, the user can cut off all power to the antenna (plug removed). For more information
on these jumper settings, please refer to Chapter 3 of the MiLLennium Guide to Installation and Operation. The
ANTENNAPOWER command, which is only relevant when Jumper P301 is set to connect pins 1&2, determines
whether or not internal power is applied to pin 1 of Jumper P301. Table C-1 summarizes the combinations:
Table C-1 Antenna LNA Power Configuration
The setting of this command will affect the way the MiLLennium’s self-test diagnostics (see Table D-5, Appendix
D) report the antenna’s status.
antennapower off
P301: plug connects
pins 1&2
P301: plug connects
pins 2&3
P301: no plug
internal power connected
to LNA
no external effect no external effect
internal power cut off from
no external effect no external effect
Command Range Value Description Default
flag (none) Displays status of the internal antenna-power supply.
ON If plug on P301 joins pins 1&2, connects internal power to the LNA. Antenna status
will be reported as “GOOD” unless a fault is detected, in which case the status will
change to “BAD” and the internal power cut off from pin 1.
OFF If plug on P301 joins pins 1&2, cuts off internal power from the LNA. Antenna status
will always be reported as “GOOD”.