7 Rinex-Standard Commands & Logs
46 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
This command is used to configure the user-defined fields in the file headers.
The settings of all these fields are visible in the
RCCA log. All settings can be saved to non-volatile memory on a
MiLLennium card by the
SAVECONFIG command. A CRESET command will empty all text fields and reduce to
zero the antenna offsets.
Command example:
COM1> rinex agency NovAtel Surveying Service Ltd.
COM1> rinex antde -0.05
COM1> rinex antdh 2.7
COM1> rinex antdn 0.1
COM1> rinex antnum Field #1
COM1> rinex anttype NovAtel 501
COM1> rinex comment Field trial of new receiver
COM1> rinex markname A980
COM1> rinex markernum 980.1.34
COM1> rinex observer S.C. Lewis
COM1> rinex recnum LGN94100019
COM1> log com1 rcca
Log example:
... etc....
$RCCA,RINEX,COMMENT,Field trial of new receiver*68
$RCCA,RINEX,AGENCY,NovAtel Surveying Service Ltd.*5A
RINEX cfgtype
Command Range Values Description
RINEX - Command
cfgtype AGENCY Define agency name in observation log header
ANTDE Define antenna delta east (offset to marker) in observation log and static event log
ANTDH Define antenna delta height (offset to marker) in observation log and static event log
ANTDN Define antenna delta north (offset to marker) in observation log and static event log
ANTNUM Define antenna number in observation log header
ANTTYPE Define antenna type in observation log header
COMMENT Add comment to navigation and observation log headers (optional)
MARKNAME Define marker name in observation log and static event log
MARKERNUM Define marker number in observation log (optional) and static event log
OBSERVER Define observer name in observation log header
RECNUM Define receiver number in observation log header